Open your illustrator.

Make a file that sized A4, do it as vertical one.

Draw a rectangle that covers the entire page as "Background"

Select "Background", fill the Background color as blue color, whatever what kind of blue you want.

Choose the tool Blob Brush Tool.

First, draw a square that is 2 inches by 2 inches, choose your favourate color as the stroke color.

Then, fill the square with dark red color.

Second, draw a triangle that is 1.5 inches height and 3 inches width. use the black as the stroke color.

Fill it with the color of your hair.

Move the triangle to the top of the square, make sure it should be centered.

Then, draw a small rectangle that is 0.5 inches width and 1.2 inches height. make the stroke color and fill it with wood color.

Move it to the bottom of the square, it should be centered and inside the square.

Save the file.

Choose File > Export > Export for Screens.

Send it to

My Copy

NO 1

NO 2 (Didn't the second copy of my work.)